Wednesday, July 17, 2024

.INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.Time wasted, killed or marked, good time toads, suckers for free ride.

 Goat and sheep, fish, bread and wine, tricks to save the day, fishermen tales. Happy to share biblical stories, with my fairy tales, love the nightmares of Disney also. Rat tales, rats in white gloves, Tom and Jerry, cat and rat tales, lots of laughs for baby boomers. Cats and kitties with nine lives, cartoon network, for the kids next door.INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.Time wasted, killed or marked, good time toads, suckers for free ride. Why sign, termination recorded, and filed.A world of discovery is waiting. Dive right in and follow what you love.

Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock .... U2 -Jewish Lifestyle Changed, Over Time.True Love VS. Toxic Love: 14 Core Differences.....Snakes in Grass: Dicks and Dawgs: Fags Out Of Box: Laughs Online Pimps Eyes on you, freaks in Upland, frogs under the skin, donkeys in packs, monkeys to dodge. Pages to books. Whole lotta shakin' goin' on! (Wait! That's a different song!)Billy Ocean - Love Zone: Rotten Tomatoes: Pumpkins✨ Fairies,Hand and hearts to guide.“Nothing happens until something moves.” ― Albert Einstein.

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Team Integrity Realty. NOT MY WALLET , MIND CHANGE' .Morons, Angels To Cry, Tests Over Time, To Fail, First Attempts With New Data, Pages Turned.Laura Holbert 37290 Los Alamos Road ... Temecula Valley Homes Team. Dan Evans 30204 Sterling Cir..

Classes on love and devotion, goodness and mercy, angels to see. Classes of joys and pains, goodness and mercy, love and hate, to teach, and always to learn. 'I I DON'T ALWAYS GO THE EXTRA MILE, BUT WHEN I DO IT'S BECAUSE I MISSED MY EXIT.'RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.If a man does not do good himself, let him not rely on what his ancestors did!- Midrash Tehillilm. Hard to say.
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INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.Time wasted, killed or marked, good time toads, suckers for free ride. M...
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  • Love, Lights, Lessons, Tests Over Time, Head Counts, Lucky Breaks, Glory Dazes To Come.

  •  Now You See Me .Deep River Woman . | Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Proud of my colleagues who keep fighting #cancer and care for our patients every day! #WorldHealthDay.  Rachel Jarrot. Don't just raise it, finger on my character.  I have carved myself out of the pain.

    To learn life lessons, to practice to perfection, to fail is equal to the meaning of: first attempts in learning, to end is also effects never die, and no means next opportunity, turn the page and move on.

    Starr Bright Angels, Angels Hosts Time To Spare, goodness, and mercy, time on the cross, trips to hell, garden snakes, dens of frogs, packs of monkeys. To learn life lessons, to practice to perfection, to fail is equal to the meaning of: first attempts in learning, to end is also effects never die, and no means next opportunity, turn the page and move on.
    No photo description available.

  • Love, Lust, Lucky Brakes, Dances On Clouds, Birds And Bees, Purple Rain. Rainbow Racers.
  • Oh Happy Dazes, 84 Years Old, 21 Years Leaping, How Time Flies
  • What can be brighter than the stars: GO LIONS!Cheers And Chaps.Veterans In Host.
  • Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.One Fine Day.Nuts:Life.Books,Balls New Hat To Wear. Dreams In Works..INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.Time wasted, killed or marked, good time toads, suckers for free ride.

    Happy New Year everybody!Best of luck. Here’s a little inspiration for you.Head Counts, Winners, Sinners, Saints, Heads Up.I agree to use electronic records and signatures.Required.Please Review & Act on These Documents. Tomorrow, or never, transfer a termination, okay, right away.Are You the CEO of Your Life:P.S. Don’t drag your feet any longer
  • Coins To Cards, Winners,Losers,L... Dimes To Drop, Family Affairs, Heads To Count. Fairy Tales
  •  'Me listening to songs about selling drugs and killing people on the way to my regular 9-5 job...'Spruce Power, ESCAPE PSYCHO CIRCUS:I'm not. Will Not, Put The Assholes On The Roof, On Paper, For A Free Ride. What sellers have said, houses still pending. What nonsense, $30,000 midterm, transfer, 5 years, 6 months, termination rules, end game, no transfer of the terminated lease. We are all American citizens. Spruce Powers, solar panel company, attempts to take a termination, recorded and filed 5 years ago into a transfer, called a midterm. Did not work. No sale.

     Bridges on Land:Lessons Daily, Rites To Reasons, Glory Dazes.Hello Texas .Can't wait to be back home .Tigers, lions, and bears, on top of food chains. JewJew jew go back to hell.Animals masks wore all the time, more under skin to flash changes sometimes

    Now You See Me .Deep River Woman . | Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones.Proud of my colleagues who keep fighting #cancer and care for our patients every day! #WorldHealthDay. Rachel Jarrot. Don't just raise it, finger on my character. I have carved myself out of the pain.

    Normal Twists: Weird: Witting, Entertaining, Interesting, Read, And Different..Charles R. Jarrot Credit Offices. freaks out at night, stories on line to share..

    Leaders, Rites To Reasons, Sunny And Bright, Cali Chicks, Babes, Veterans With Skills. Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads TraveledJust imagine if this country scrutinized billionaire tax dodging as closely as we scrutinize financial support for the poor.
    Rather than consensus or affirmation from others, simply dance the dance. In other words, express yourself, react naturally.
    Normal Twists: Weird: Witting, Entertaining, Interesting, Read, And Different..Charles R. Jarrot Credit Offices. freaks out at night, stories on line to share..
    No photo description available.

    Please cancel my subscription to your issues.Hooker, I ain’t in the ‘helpin” business no more. I’m in the ‘fuck off while I smoke a joint’ business,and business about to pick way the fuck up.Facebook groups, that I would like to share. FaceTime: Sinners And Saints,Sons To Shine: Diamonds, Or Not.

    Not sure how long this is going to last, just wanted to say, I hope to meet , one fine day. Forgot the date today, though it was the holiday weekend. The clerk at the store said,I was getting a jump start on the holiday.Did not stop to think about the date. Saw the sign at the bank, with the right date.Chances to connect, still on the table, words in waves to exchange, over time. Marine to Marine, back in time, way of life, stories to tell, how great it was. Crazy for a fee, thanks to Uncle Sam. THE RUNS.School of Hard Knocks|- Rose Royce: IT'S GONNA TAKE A MIRACLE - 
    Have you started seeing the effects of aging yet? Birds and bees, time of the year, new lives to create, yours and mine, dances on the sands of time. Winds to wings, flowers and colors of the rainbow. Son to shine, the best one yet, the golden years, seniors alert. Life is lessons.Hear that? It’s the sound of spectacular ,bitches, babes, sisters across the nation.  It is About Damn Time · Lizzo,We are all American citizens.  Spruce Powers, solar panel company, attempts to take a termination, recorded and filed 5 years ago into a transfer, called a midterm. Did not work. No sale."Top Secret Federal Documents...    Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: Services To:History Not News : Stars To Shine Bright.

    Now there is actual facts and details out there, and even though the corporations and banks run the world, you still think they love you and want you to live a long and prosperous life?Live long and prosper Jim..."

    Once our Service Transfer team fully transfers your Sunrun service agreement to the new owner, the home solar installation can stay in the home.Spruce Powers, and other solar panel companies, we bought 10 of them. We can midterm your terminations, for $30,000, and transfer the bills to old and new buyers. Tricks of the trade.

    A day late, and a dollar short, good time toads, crooks, cheaters, and liars.  What the Experts Say · What happens if I move and the new owners don't want solar panels? .Read, Rites, Reasons To Dance, History Left To Write. Loyalty makes you family. Love friends forever. A Dance in the Woods . Congrats to Mr.Farhadi .


    SPRUCE POWER DOCUMENTS VIA DOCUSIGN <DSE@DOCUSIGN.NET>YOU DOCUMENT WAS CANCELLED:This is different. Must dig deeper. Where should I start."Conspiracy Theorist''.'Assholes On The Roof, Spruce Powers, Solar Panels, Not Santa Clause,Dicks.FUCKING BRILLIANT FUCK-A-DOODLE-DOO'.SPRUCE POWER, Solar Panels.Dan Evans - History to share, UCC Codes, 1 Financial, 2 transfer, 3 termination, end game. Rules to play.'

     Lord I come to you with a bumble heart . 4 WORDS: OLD ENOUGH TO CONSENT.THE PROBLEM IS; WE ARE NOT PERFECT.YOU? 

    Transfer The Termination, Not Interested In Midterm, Flipping The UCC Codes, Termination, End Game, Shit Out Of Luck, Spruce Powers, Balls Dropped.

    INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.: Now I'm up and I don't need you. I'm the bad guy huh... Honoring Our Veterans Each and Everyday in America! Almost there Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none

    A wise man hears one word and understands two.Writer.Classes on love and hate, classes on frogs and snakes online.I am not afraid of storms For I am learning how to sail my ship. Louisa May Alcott.I’ll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.So true .I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. - ya all and all my friends and family .TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)Laughter Rocks.

     Views shared of the fish that got away. Educated and mature frogs and fish, pens used to fight the hate sent by group texts, love and devotion, it is not. Gifts to share to repost the bumps in roads, with the lessons learned.Whatever there was,  this effort is just too little ,.. too convoluted ,..and about to be too late. So no time left to play around with empty spaces . Classes on love and hate, classes on frogs and snakes online.I am not afraid of storms For I am learning how to sail my ship. Louisa May Alcott.

    And blank faces.Fish And Frogs, Plenty Of Fish in Seas, Frog Heart Red.Shoutout to Sal’s Pizzeria for all those years of dope slices from Mr Senor Love Daddy! RIP Danny Aiello!! Lord I come to you with a bumble heart . 4 WORDS: OLD ENOUGH TO CONSENT.THE PROBLEM IS; WE ARE NOT PERFECT.YOU? .INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.Time wasted, killed or marked, good time toads, suckers for free ride.

    Critical Role Crit Role GIF

    Hogs and cattle, freaks and frogs, good times to party and play the nights away, dream life to have different asses on your face, lover for one is not the case, to much sex and the eyes goes batty for frogs, or craps under the rocks, under the sands of time, snakes, frogs, and cattle callers out to rob your blind, time and attention to spare for the freaks out at night?  And blank faces.Fish And Frogs, Plenty Of Fish in Seas, Frog Heart Red. Shoutout to Sal’s Pizzeria .

    Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances. can see this post.Plans for how to get more money out of the current insurance claim, and plans on what that payday will buy, and how far it can go has to be considered as well.

    Fucked For Life, Day Joys, Nuts And Freaks, Dates...Mountain Tops: Once long ago, fail to learn, fairy tales, hidden messages to find. True blue in… - Cali Cow -Mad Hatter: Am I going mad? Alice: Yes, you're mad, bonkers, off the top of your head...but...I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are." - Lewis Carroll.

    Cheers, hits and misses, songs to sing. Want to make it good to you, Whispers to hear on You tube, real time, checks and Cali Chicks, waves to make, dances in the streets. Good times. … Be Without You. Angels, fairies, and pixies are the girls that I know, every day earth angels, for the smiles, for the joys and the laughter of the friends on the side lines. Friends, family members, saints and sinners at the forks in the road, take the high road, not the easy roads. Sails on the boats of the seas of changes, butterflies out for the colors of the sunny dazes on the shores.
    Happy Dazes, Ben Battles, Starr Bright, good times, god times, great days to be on earth. Earth angels, hosts of angels in the air, hands to guide, give, lead, hold hands, notes of love,lust,lessons, tests over time. Thanks so much, another great day on the right side of the grave, happy and delight, cheers, and chaps. Happy Friday.
    Read, Rites, Reasons, Birds And Bees, Battles And Wars, Lovers, Haters, Houses And Homes. Veterans Housing Matters.We make a choice to be happy, joyful and helpful to the others that we encounter just to keep our lives in focus. Ducks, Dawgs, Donkey Dates, Men And Mice, Cartoon Hits, Lots Of Luck, Faces Of Freaks.
    Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.Hats, Horns, Halos, Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Babes, Cali Chicks, Balls In The Moves,Counting Heads, Good Time Frogs: Dime To Drop, Dim, Dense, Dumb, Faces In And Out Of Time. Glory Dazes In The Horse And Pony Shows. Good Times.
    Thank you for having me as a friend .Hats, Horns, Halos, Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Babes, Cali Chicks, Balls In The Moves,Counting Heads, Good Time Frogs: Dime To Drop, Dim, Dense, Dumb, Faces In And Out Of Time. Glory Dazes In The Horse And Pony Shows. Good Times.

    Go with that, have to have, things, stuff, good times to start, steps to take, more mountains left to climb. Time running away with me, clocks to watch, moments lost in time.ON THE INTERNET YOU CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT. IT'S STRANGE THAT SO MANY PEOPLE CHOOSE TO BE STUPID.' Seasons Of Delight, Wishes And Stars.Back in time when dirt was cheap, and Jesus Christ was a boy, stars to shine, sons of dogs, bitches and hoes, faces in the layers of brown, dirt, shit of fecal matters.Heads up, hands out, to help you back up again.

    TAKE ME TO THE OCEAN!- I'm in love with everything .Public Nuts To Grow, Hogs, Pigs, Cows To Call. Dances . Rotten Apples, Dicks, Dawgs, Jackasses Across The Lines. how tall?Nice day at the beach today . Butterfly Battles.
    The fox is in the hen house, so to you want to give away eggs to a fox or wolf? Bad George+Little Devil thank you dear sister I love this. So sorry for the lost hope and the people that were not able to get back up , and make a new plan to get out of dodge
     beach, Newport Beach, California, 42...


    TAKE ME TO THE OCEAN!🌍☯🕉 - I'm in love with everything .Public Nuts To Grow, Hogs, Pigs, Cows To Call. Dances . Rotten Apples, Dicks, Dawgs, Jackasses Across The Lines. how tall?Nice day at the beach today . Butterfly Battles.
    The fox is in the hen house, so to you want to give away eggs to a fox or wolf? Bad George+Little Devil thank you dear sister I love this ❤😊❤😊😊❤❤😊So sorry for the lost hope and the people that were not able to get back up , and make a new plan to get out of dodge.

    Houses and mouse traps, Uncle Sam, veterans on the streets.BLACK LIVES MATTER:.drop me your email...It's Still Rock and Roll To Me Billy Joel-LyricsDaily Events, Rebirths And Let's Go Somewhere !!


    Go with that, have to have, things, stuff, good times to start, steps to take, more mountains left to climb. Time running away with me, clocks to watch, moments lost in time.

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    Midterm: $30,000, bill to pay, not in Cai, not in Texas, either. How to turn a termination into a transfer, one cold day in hell.ESTABLISH. MAINTAIN. EXPAND .NO SELLER, NO DEAL, NO AGENCY, NOT WAY TO CLOSE, TERMS UNACCEPTABLE TO SELLER.
    Got to love the snakes in grass, spiders and worms, not, jackasses in the herds of donkeys.

    Sheri, Sima, Rachel, Steven Jarrot: 7608512267, Daniel George, Reese Smith, and the mother fuckers Steven the oral expert of craigslist, sucker for cum from the tricks and dicks. RV camper for the dark sides of the moon, horns on a goat called love and hate, trips around the globe, vikings notes in 9 or 10th century.

    "In winter, I plot and plan. In spring, I move." --- Henry Rollins.Dazes in the rain, dazes in the sun, dazes with drama, work to be done.

    Hi everyone! I’m Izzi (she/her) and I am dance captain/young rep/dance ensemble for Heathers! This is my first SALT production and I’ve had so much fun during the process with this amazing cast and team. Outside of rehearsals this summer I’ve spent a lot of time bartending and with my friends. I can’t wait for you all to see the show!!! (if you come I’ll give you a kith 💋)
    Aysa D. Carnucci (she/her) will be playing the role of Stone…
    See more
    All reactions:

    Spruce Power/Solar Panel Complaints)How To Turn A Termination Into A Transfer. Create Midterm, Replace Termination, 4 Pages Of Shit Added.Please cancel my subscription to your issues. Not Dead Yet, Life, A Work In Progress.A Raising Star Or Two.What A Cockamamie Story . James Howard Kunstler,The trick is to sign the midterm, to get the transfer, and the financial forms in place to collect another $30,000.

    My niece wants to say Shalom to you .THX! Veterans Housing Matters:When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.' Oh hi there. But it's back to reality today.Rainbows to cross, pots of herbs, pots of goals, pots of frogs, ready for the fires.

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